Network Prospect Logo Animation
Network Prospect Branding Pattern
Network Prospect Stationery
Network Prospect Banner
Network Prospect Pull-Up Banner
Network Prospect Bollards
Network Prospect Social Branding

Network Prospect

City of Prospect selected Toolbox from a tender panel to create a new brand for their economic development program, aimed at delivering business and investment into the city, especially focused around the NBN ‘Fibre-to-the-Premise’ connectivity, city-wide.

Toolbox named and created the brand for the project as a ‘fluid’ brand, where the name of the project has a fluidity to change through a suite of appropriate words, always defaulting to Network Prospect as the final moniker.

This contemporary brand treatment gives flexibility and animation to the brand to allow particular words to be used for retail trade, business events, networking and investing activities. All the while supporting and sitting comfortably with the current Prospect brand.